Thursday, November 5, 2009

LIVE: Challah Baking!

Watch the challah-baking process unfold!

Of course, it all starts with a mess....

It's pretty cold in my apartment and I couldn't find a warm place to put the dough so that it would rise, so I got out the platta - to keep foods warm on Shabbat - and rigged a system with a pot lid so my dough could benefit from the heat without being directly on the heating element.  And sure enough... it rose!

Next:  the braiding.

Batch #1:  Four-stranded braids.

Batch #2:  Six-stranded braids!

In the (toaster) oven they go!

Here's how the four-stranded braids turned out.  They probably could have gotten a little browner on top, but I was worried about the underside getting burnt.  Not too shabby!

The six stranded ones are out of the oven! 

Shabbat shalom!


  1. 1) Your braiding skills ROCK.
    2) Welcome to the food blogging world. I am super impressed!
    3) Challah is delicious. I plan to make some this weekend!

    <3 Anna

  2. I miss challah and the fact you would openly post the food of our peoples makes me want to fly there and steal it away from you. Only joking but bread aint big in my neck of the woods. i guess i will just fall back to kimchi. -bob berenson
