Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week in review

For this post, I'll present you with a series of random images/thoughts/experiences that will showcase what day to day life in Jerusalem and at Pardes is like for me.  Be forewarned.

Couscous, Falafel, and Chocolate.

I eat couscous probably three times a week here, and I have yet to get tired of it.  It's the perfect combination of inexpensive, quick to make, versatile, tasty, and amazingness.  My general couscous meal includes feta cheese, lemon juice, and random vegetables, either raw or sauteed.  Shira, my roommate, made a pot of couscous this evening, and I ate 3/4 of it.  Mmmm.

And of course, my week wouldn't be complete without a trip to the falafel stand.  Well actually - it probably would.  But every once in a while, falafel is just the thing I'm craving.  "Chetzi falafel b'laffa" is half a piece of fluffy wrap bread stuffed with falafel balls, "salat, betzalim, techina, chumous, and chips" - salad, onions, techina (sesame sauce), chumous (no explanation required, I hope), and circle cut french fries.  Today,  they mistakenly put "charif" (spicy sauce) on my laffa, much to my dismay... but I finished it anyway.

Another food favorite:  mini chocolate bars.  Sometimes during day at Pardes I just need a little pick me up, and these are so perfect.  David Berman, the in-house amazing caterer, keeps a kiosk stocked with lots of little goodies, and these chocolates keep me coming back.  I think I have a reputation at Pardes for the blissful faces that I make when I take that first bite.  Some things about me haven't changed since I was 5.

(Photo from

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