Friday, June 12, 2009

More pictures!

The view from the Mount of Olives - East and West Jerusalem

Dome of the Rock
Hiking down to the tent...

The sifting project: dump bucket of rocks into sifter, rinse, examine. Most common finds: pottery shards, glass, metals, mosaic tiles, and bones.
Some of the class we found (could be from beer bottles too)
The common finds. Unfortunately, we didn't get to find any coins or special stuff.

Images of the Shuk - the spices....
Salatim - salads....
Fruits and nuts... peirot
And of course, challah and pitot (pita breads).

Shabbat shalom!


  1. Lauren:
    Not to worry about books of any size or description. Simply box them up, wrap the more valuable ones in bubble wrap, and ship them to me. You know I will guard them well. I will even take them C.O.D. (collect on delivery)

    The food looks amazing. You gonna do the freshman fifteen all over again?

    Love, Dad

  2. Looks like you're having a blast! And I'm loving reading about it!
